Automotive logistics set to experience several headwinds warns Cox Automotive

Cox Automotive is predicting severe disruption to the automotive retail supply chain caused by a combination of challenges affecting the vehicle logistics market. Referring to the recent fuel duty cut outlined in the Spring Budget as ‘welcome, but a flat balloon,’ Philip Nothard, Insight and Strategy Director at Cox Automotive, hinted several headwinds to come.  “The […]

Cox Automotive Insight Report 2021

Discover the 5 ways on how Movex has made vehicle movements more efficient, including our proven cost saving ways that give the freedom for our customers to choose the costs that supports their business. The fourth-annual Insight Report from Cox Automotive and Grant Thornton returns for 2021 with a comprehensive and in-depth look at some […]

5 ways Movex has made vehicle movements more efficient

Discover the 5 ways on how Movex has made vehicle movements more efficient, including our proven cost saving ways that give the freedom for our customers to choose the costs that supports their business. To read the blog in full, click here.